2 - With the eyes of faith

This spectacle used by St. John Calabria was not supported with the rods that rest on the ears, like those we know, but was the so-called "pince-nez glasses". The lenses were connected by a small spring mechanism, which tightened the glasses on the nose and thus remained in place. To prevent them from slipping from their hands, they were tied with a cord, which could also be held around the neck. This type of spectacle was used from the 90s of the nineteenth century until the 30s of twentieth century, but St. John Calabria was not very attentive to fashion, and wore them throughout his life.
Sometimes it is said that one must put oneself "in the shoes of the other", but certainly it would be much more interesting to put oneself "in the eyes of the other" to observe the world as he sees it, to dwell on the same details and grasp the importance of things according to his "way of
And evidently it is not a question of diopters... If these lenses could speak, they would tell us what those eyes saw, but even more, they would show us how those images that crossed them recomposed in the heart of St. John Calabria and made him full of joy, or sadness, enthusiasm or frustration. And we would also need lenses like this, to understand his ability to forgive, to welcome, to bless but also to get angry ... Didn't you know that even the saints get angry? Ah, at certain times Father John Calabria was just unleashed, and when he was taken by the "5 minutes" the brothers said that he had the "Calabrian" and it was better to turn offshore ... and then see him reappear to immediately apologize for his intemperance. But it was precisely because he knew how to see beyond, because in the light of the Gospel he could not accept compromises, play down, never!
The right lenses that compensate for our imperfect vision are not those that "fix things" but are the lenses of faith, which look into the depths of things with a look of love. Thanks to you, glasses, who make us curious to see the world with different eyes, but we cannot do it without the lenses of faith, the only ones that can bring us closer to God's gaze. Do we still know how to read with the same faith the events that challenge us today?